Management M.S.


The Master of Science in Management degree is a specialized program designed to prepare professionals to assume advanced management positions in the private and public sectors. Coursework emphasizes the evolving management information and techniques for enhanced decision making, especially in the area of human resources responsibilities and team management. The program may be of particular interest for individuals who come from diverse undergraduate degree backgrounds. No prior academic business preparation is required for entry in to the program.

The MSM provides in depth study of management theory and practical skills necessary to effectively achieve business success in highly competitive global environments. Its broad applications will appeal to a wide range of organizational environments, including profit, not-for-profit, education, healthcare, and government.

Students are mid- to senior-level executives and professionals who want to prepare for additional management responsibilities or to manage smaller organizations where it is necessary to coordinate a broad range of areas.

The MSM program is designed to meet the growing demand for professionals whose work requires them to achieve business results through the optimal use of people. The program prepares students for a wide range of careers in both industrial and service companies and in public and non-profit organizations.

The courses are structured to provide students with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage within organizations. Major emphasis is placed on courses that offer an understanding of the role of the individual employee, the groups in which individuals work and the structure and operation of the larger organization.


Graduates of the Master of Science in Management program are expected to be able to:

  • Integrate and apply management principles and skills to the management of people and resources within the economic/financial, technological, social, ethical/legal environments of an organization.
  • Successfully apply creative, informed decision analysis to managerial decision making.
  • Develop and implement management strategies to best achieve an organization’s mission by recognizing trends, opportunities and evaluating alternative approaches.
  • Appreciate the ethical and legal implications of their actions.
  • Exhibit critical thinking and a functional knowledge across the business management disciplines.

Admission Requirements

Students educated outside of the U.S. must have a score of 550 (written), 213 (computer-based) or 79 (Internet-based) or better on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or IELTS score of 6.0.

All incoming students born after January 1, 1957, taking six or more credit hours per semester must have an updated immunization record sent to the University’s Center for Health and Counseling Services. This requirement refers to students receiving credit on the Romeoville campus.

To be accepted for admission into the program, a student must present the following credentials:

  1. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
  2. An application for graduate admission, including a non-refundable fee. The online application is available at
  3. Statement of purpose (500 words: form available from the Graduate School of Management).
  4. Official transcripts from all educational institutions attended.
  5. Undergraduate GPA > 2.75 (conditional admission available to those with GPA > 2.75)*.
  6. Two professional recommendations (form available from the Graduate School of Management).
  7. Professional resume.
  8. Admission interview.
  9. A student must have three years of supervisory experience. Exceptions will be made on an individual basis by the Program Director.

*Conditional Admission Status

Students with an undergraduate GPA<2.75 will be allowed to begin the MSM program on a conditional basis. In order to attain full degree-seeking status, students must attain a cumulative GPA of 3.3 in the first 3 classes. A student who fails to meet this standard will not be permitted to register for further classes. Students may petition the MSM Program Director to review their status. The decision of the Program Director is final.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete 33-36 graduate credits in the program to complete the Master of Science in Management degree. Each student is required to complete nine courses and three professional seminars. Students in the Research Track complete a master’s thesis project. Students in the Non-Research track complete two additional electives (six graduate credit hours).

Only six hours of previous applicable graduate coursework (grade of B or higher) can be transferred into the program. A total of 30 hours must be taken at Lewis University. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Degree Offered: Master of Science

Total Credit Hours Required: 33


I. Foundation Courses (30)

65-520Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise


65-508Contemporary Management Practice


65-568Marketing Management


65-630Organizational Behavior and Development


65-546Business-Government Relations in the Global Economy



65-588Employment Law


65-506Current Topics in Information Technology


65-615International Business and the Global Environment


65-558Human Resources Management


65-621Strategic Management for Managers


65-680Executive Management Practicum - Masters Paper/Project


65-568: Prerequisite 65-520

65-546: Prerequisite 04-346

65-615: Prerequisites 65-508, 65-520, 65-568

65-558: Prerequisite 65-508

65-680: Taken as final course in the Research Track

II. Required Weekend Seminars (2)

Business Ethics in Corporate Culture


Advanced Oral Communication for Managers


III. Weekend Seminar

Select one of the following weekend seminars (1)

Fundamentals of Project Management


Critical Thinking in Business


Conflict Management / Negotiation


Professional Seminars

Advanced Oral Communication for Managers (1) This seminar will assist students in strengthening their oral communication skills for business. A balance of theory and practice will be provided.

Business Ethics in Corporate Culture (1) This is an introductory seminar in the area of business ethics: dilemmas which modern businesses face. Often individuals are caught with personal and organizational conflicts due to competing values. What is the source(s) upon which our values and behaviors are based? What are the differences between what is moral, legal and ethical behavior and codes of conduct? These are the questions this short seminar will address. Through the use of films, group discussions and presentations the seminar will be an exciting, thought-provoking learning experience.

Fundamentals of Project Management (1) This seminar will explain the necessary concepts and techniques that individuals need to better plan, organize, control and manage the successful completion of a project in order to keep up with the business world’s efficiency and professionalism.

Conflict Management / Negotiation (1) This seminar is a culmination of a variety of experts’ ideas on how to successfully negotiate. We will address a variety of topics. We will discuss, role-play and view video clips on dealing with conflict in negotiations. Each participant will also complete a self-assessment of his/her own personal style of negotiation and we will discuss the impact each style has on negotiations.

Critical Thinking in Business (1) The purpose of this seminar is to help business students and professionals systematically analyze business situations and avoid the traps that lead to bad thinking. The seminar will also help the professional better assess the role of business in society, analyze the claims of “experts” and identify business opportunities. Among the diverse topics covered in the seminar are: how to identify flaws in business reasoning, analyzing the total cost of a business transaction from the business and the customer’s standpoint, a new way to look at pricing, how externalities and risk-sharing impact business decisions, and how to effectively analyze numerical information in business decisions.