81-559 Police Civil Liability

This course focuses on the nature and scope of civil liability affecting law enforcement officials. More specifically, the course will explore the frequency of civil litigation to society and the concern that law enforcement officials have over the possibility of lawsuits. Various social benefits and some of the rationale for allowing the police to be sued will be explored and discussed. In addition to various reasons for police litigation, State Tort Law will be explored. Subsequent chapters will discuss Federal lawsuits brought against law enforcement officials under Title 42 of the United States Code Section 1983. This course will further delve into specific police responsibility, namely the use of excessive force, high-risk drug enforcement operations, negligent operation of emergency vehicles, failure to arrest intoxicated drivers, negligence at traffic accident scenes, and failure to prevent detainee suicide. The course will conclude with shifting conceptions of police liability and law enforcement. This course is supplemented with relevant Supreme Court cases.
