The Mission Statement of Lewis University

Faithful to the Lasallian Heritage in Catholic Higher Education

Lewis University, guided by its Catholic and Lasallian heritage, provides to a diverse student population programs for a liberal and professional education grounded in the interaction of knowledge and fidelity in the search for truth.

Lewis promotes the development of the complete person through the pursuit of wisdom and justice. Fundamental to its Mission is a spirit of association which fosters community in all teaching, learning and service.

These distinctive values guide the University in fulfilling its Mission:


  • Knowledge. The result of a lifelong pursuit of learning fostered through creative and critical interaction in a community of learners.
  • Fidelity. The spirit which recognizes God as ultimate reality, unifying the diverse forms of knowledge in the pursuit of fullness of truth, while recognizing the diversity of human experience.
  • Wisdom. The result of the integration of reflection and action developed through higher learning throughout all of life.
  • Justice. The affirmation of the equal dignity of every person and the promotion of personal and social responsibility.
  • Association. The process of forming a community of mutual respect, collegiality, collaboration and service.