

The Department of History provides courses in African, Asian, European, Central and South American, and United States history. The History Program offers courses in special topics of interest and internships. To study the record of human experience is to understand the present and to recognize the potential of the future!

Wherever breadth of human knowledge, grasp of the essential, and skill in communication and analysis are valued, history holds a familiar and honored place.

Specialization leads to a variety of careers in the public arena and the private sector. Examples of careers in the public arena include, but are not limited to, education, government agencies and branches, libraries and archives, research and development, and social services. Examples of careers in the private sector include, but are not limited to, banking, communications media, consulting, education, law, museums, research and development, social services and the travel industry.

History majors who are preparing for middle/high school teaching are encouraged to take broader survey courses in history, such as the four sequential courses in U. S. History and the four sequential courses in European History.

The Public History concentration provides students with exposure to applied historical approaches, such as museum management, oral history, historic preservation, and archives management. Students enroll in the Public History Theory and Practice course, workshops, and internships to gain exposure to this field.

The Contemporary Global Studies major is an interdisciplinary degree which incorporates courses from other disciplines, but is centered on an historical analysis of contemporary global developments. Students can combine certain areas of specialization and harmonize them with studies in foreign language and other pertinent disciplines, as well as Lewis University’s multiple Study Aboard programs. Majors in History may not double major or minor in Contemporary Global Studies.

The History Department also offers minors in History and  Contemporary Global Studies.

Majors in various History concentrations may wish to take a minor in Print Journalism for History Majors.