Triple Major

A student may complete the major requirements of three departments or programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, thus earning a triple major which will be indicated on the transcript. To do so, a student must complete 60 credit hours, at least 20 of them at Lewis, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. No application for a triple major may be made after a student enters the final semester at Lewis. To apply for the triple major, a student must request that his or her academic advisors form a Program Approval Committee (PAC) consisting of the chairs of each of the departments involved, as well as the dean. The student will present to the PAC a brief statement explaining the benefits of the third major, along with letters of support from advisors or faculty members in the majors. The PAC will determine on an individual case basis which classes will be required and decide upon the required number of credits for each major. In each case, the decision of the PAC will be detailed in a written contract, signed by the department chairs, the dean and the student. Each person and the University Registrar will receive a copy of the contract. If the PAC rejects a request for a triple major, the dean will supply the student with a written rationale for the decision.