FINA-41000 Investment Analysis

Overview of security trading including mechanics of leverage and short selling. Fundamental equity analysis and portfolio management is also introduced, including efficient market concepts. Additionally, bond analysis and duration concepts are covered.



FINA 20000

FINA-44000 International Finance

Students explore the role of finance in the global markets with emphasis on exchange rates and decision-making by managers of multinational enterprises.



FINA 20000

FINA-45000 Topics and Cases in Finance

The course utilizes spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel, in order to implement financial theories and methodologies. Students will learn the practical application and visualization of corporate finance and investments in Microsoft Excel. 



FINA 30000 and senior status

FINA-47200 Finance Internship

This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with jobs they currently have. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator.



Finance major, Junior or Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above and consent of internship coordinator

FINA-47300 International Finance Internship

This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with their current position if it has an international emphasis and is approved by the Internship Coordinator. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator.



Finance major, Junior or Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above and consent of internship coordinator and the director of the International Business program

FINA-49200 Independent Study/Finance

Students do independent reading and research in Finance.



Finance major, Senior status, 3.00 GPA or above, and a signed Independent Study Form