LU-401 Applied Project Development - Creativity and Innovation

In the first semester of this two semester course sequence, offered in a blended format, students will develop a capstone project.  Areas of study will include the application of creativity and innovation in solving community and professional issues.  In the class, students will synthesize and apply knowledge from courses within the Professional Studies Core and each student's Concentration.  Course topics will vary, as students will design their own projects that address an issue or problem in a community or professional setting.  Students will write a proposal and begin their research.  Prerequisites:  LU 310, LU 320, LU 330, LU 340.


LU 310; LU 320; LU 330; LU 340

LU-402 Capstone Project and Portfolio Review

In the second semester of this two semester course sequence, offered in a blended format, students will finalize and present a capstone project.  In the class, students will synthesize and apply knowledge from courses within the Professional Studies Core and each student's Concentration.  Course topics will vary, as students will design their own projects that address an issue or problem in a community or professional setting.  Students will finalize their research, complete the project, and present their findings orally as well as in a formal essay.  This course fulfills the advanced writing requirement.  In the Capstone course, students will present their e-portfolio as a graduation requirement.  Prerequisite:  LU 401.


LU 401