
Pharmacy Dual Acceptance Program: Lewis University / Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy

The Biology program at Lewis University is designed to prepare undergraduate students for a graduate health professional school. In this unique partnership with Midwestern University, qualified students make application to both Lewis University and Midwestern’s Chicago College of Pharmacy (CCP) concurrently during the senior year of high school. If accepted by both institutions, the student would spend the first TWO years at Lewis University as part of a broad-based curriculum that includes courses in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and mathematics. Students who maintain a 3.2 grade point average in required coursework, with no grade less than a “C,” then matriculate to CCP in the fall of the third year to begin their doctoral studies in Pharmacy. While at Midwestern, students take coursework with a distinctly clinical focus, alongside dedicated, skilled, compassionate healthcare professionals. After extensive practice experiences in diverse environments, CCP graduates choose careers in community pharmacies, hospitals, educational settings, laboratories, pharmaceutical corporations, and managed care organizations.

Program Eligibility

  1. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.2, with special consideration of math and science courses.
  2. Students must score in the top quartile on a College Entrance Exam (ACT [composite]: 25 or SAT: 1175).
  3. All prerequisite course work must be completed at Lewis University within 2 years.
  4. A minimum overall GPA of 3.2 must be maintained.
  5. A grade of “C” or higher must be obtained in all courses (“C-” is not acceptable).
  6. Students may not retake courses to achieve a higher grade and maintain eligibility.

Matriculant Data

Students/parents should be aware that for the dual admission program, like many health professions programs, the minimum scores (i.e., ACT [composite] 25, GPA 3.2) do not necessarily reflect the ‘competitive applicant pool.’ Though standardized tests are not the only measure used for potential success in this process, the applicant should understand that the AVERAGE ACT for all applicants this past year was a 29, with the matriculant (successful applicant) average being even higher. The same can be said of the applicant’s academic background (i.e., GPA). While the 3.2 is the minimum requirement, the average applicant has a substantially higher GPA with heavy emphasis on science/mathematics courses that should be readily apparent in the transcript. Students should also be aware that some experience in the field through work in a pharmacy or involvement with some type of “pre-Pharm program” (such as one offered by Midwestern University to high school juniors) is highly desirable, as it generally is accompanied by a more mature, educated appreciation of the profession.

Application Process

Students must apply to Lewis University and submit a concurrent application (fee $25) to CCP. Both applications will be reviewed by the Admissions Office at Lewis and by the pre-professions director. Provided the students meet all criteria outlined above, the pre-professions director will forward the application to CCP Office of Admissions at Midwestern University. All successful applicants will be notified by mail of their status at Midwestern University.

Students accepted into the Dual Acceptance Program are required to sign a matriculation agreement and to submit deposit fees in accordance with the following schedule:

1. $250.00upon acceptance
2. $250.00by May 1 of the freshman year
3. $250.00by January 1 of the sophomore year

All fees are applied to the student’s first quarter tuition at CCP. If the student does not successfully complete (or chooses to withdraw from) the program, a refund is granted, less a $150.00 administration fee to CCP.

Students who do not fulfill all the eligibility requirements can apply to CCP via the traditional route (i.e.: complete an application, take and submit PCAT scores, attend a mandatory campus visit, etc.).

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that the student does NOT receive an undergraduate degree if he/she enters and successfully completes this program. After completing courses at Lewis University, the student continues on to doctoral studies. Consequently, no major hours/total credit hours associated with the degree apply, which is a familiar format for undergraduate program information sheets. Students in the program who do not meet the appropriate GPA (3.2) and who do not enter the CCP program and who otherwise meet the requirements of a Biology major have the option of completing a Lewis University bachelor’s degree in Biology.

A grade of “C” or better must be earned in a prerequisite course in order to advance to the next course in the sequence.

The Biology Department will award 3 hours of credit for the General Education class 02-100 (Introduction to Biology) when students have received a score of 4 or 5 on AP tests. No credit is awarded for major classes based on AP scores.