Sport and Exercise Science Majors


The Department of Sport and Exercise Science (SES) offers two degree programs: a Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Athletic Training.

The curriculum is designed to prepare students for employment in any of the following settings: corporate fitness programs, fitness clubs, facility management, private sport clubs, school/college varsity athletics, sports business, sport governing bodies, YMCA/YWCA and professional sport franchises. The capstone course of the Sport Management major is 16-480 Sport Management Internship. There is an application procedure for the course which includes the Sport Management Program Director’s consent and a 2.50 cumulative GPA in seven prerequisite internship courses. Further information regarding the consent process and specific prerequisite courses is available from the Sport Management Program Director.

The Education Program is accredited by CAATE (Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education). It is designed to prepare students for the following types of employment settings: physical therapy clinics, educational environments, fitness centers and professional sport franchises.

Successful completion of this program allows students to sit for the certifying exam conducted by the Board of Certification. Transfer students need 6 semesters and 1 summer session, or 7 semesters to complete necessary coursework. Students pursuing the Athletic Training major MUST apply and BE ACCEPTED into the program. Students may apply to the program if they have a 2.50 cumulative GPA, meet technical standards, and have successfully completed the following courses: 16-171 (First Aid and Adult CPR), 16-250 (Introduction to Athletic Training ), 16-251 (Athletic Taping Lab ), and 16-196 (Human Anatomy -or equivalent). The application and academic requirements of the program can be found in the Athletic Training Education Program Manual, which is available from the Program Director or Lewis University website.