Theology Program One: Theological Studies Bachelor of Arts

Total Credit Hours: 128

Major Credit Hours: 36


  1. To prepare students to reflect critically on issues of faith, morality, religion and theology either as the main focus of their college career (as a major) or in conjunction with other studies.
  2. To serve the particular Mission of Lewis University and its Lasallian principles.
  3. To be a resource for the University to maintain its Roman Catholic identity.

Degree Requirements

I. Core Courses (18)

19-100The Search for Faith



19-106Introduction to Christian Theology


19-225The New Testament


19-223The Old Testament


19-310Christian Action and Values


19-316A History of Christian Thought


19-431Research in Theology


II. Elective Courses (18)

Eighteen additional credit hours are required for the major, 9 of which must be advanced courses (300-level or above) other than those listed as core requirements.

III. Majors are required to maintain a C+ average in their Theology courses.

IV. The advanced writing requirement of the General Education curriculum is satisfied for Theology majors by the successful completion of Research in Theology 19-431.