History Major for the High School Teaching Certificate (6-12) Bachelor of Arts

Total Credit Hours: 128

Major Credit Hours: 36

The Department of History features a fully approved History program that prepares candidates to teach grades 6-12 in Illinois public and private schools. The program is approved by the State Teacher Certification Board, in conjunction with the Illinois State Board of Education, and includes all the requirements for a major in History. History majors in this specialization must declare a major in Secondary Education. See advisors in the Department of History and College of Education for specific approval and a list of required courses.

Teacher Candidates seeking a Type 09 Teaching Certificate in Social Science with a designation in History must complete the following coursework in the content area as well as professional education courses. For a detailed description of the courses please click on the appropriate link. Only grades of “C” and above are acceptable in professional education courses and in any courses counted toward any endorsement or certificate. A “C-” or lower grade will require that the course be repeated.

History majors must select History electives from courses numbered 200 and above. No 100-level History courses, except for Culture and Civilization I and II (09-101 and 09-102), may count toward the 36 credit hours required by the major. (See Core Courses below.)

Degree Requirements

I. Core Courses in History Major for Teaching Certification (36)

A. General Requirements

09-101Culture and Civilization I


09-102Culture and Civilization II


09-203Historiography I: Sophomore Writing Seminar


09-403Historiography II: Senior Research Seminar


09-236History of Illinois


B. Choose one of the following courses in United States History:

09-320United States Colonial and National History


09-322U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction


09-323The Emergence of Modern America, 1877-1941


09-325United States Since 1941


C. Select History courses in each of the following areas:

United States History (3)

European History (3)

Outside the European and United States Experience (6)

D. Select three additional Department of History Electives.

E. The advanced writing general education requirement is satisfied through the successful completion of 09-203 and 09-403 Historiography I and II and the Senior Capstone, a researched essay written under the direction of an advisor.

II. Social Science Courses Required for Secondary Education Teachers (10)

04-195The American Economy


04-200Basic Macroeconomics



26-100General Psychology


18-200American National Government


09-397Workshop in History


III. Students must consult with their College of Education advisor for additional courses in the teaching minor in the social sciences (approximately 9 credit hours).

IV. Please see Secondary Education / Bachelor of Arts for required Education courses.