21-315 Third-Year Japanese 1

This course is designed for advanced students to further increase proficiency in Japanese, expanding vocabulary and enhancing clarity and precision in the use of the language.




21-342 Third-Year Russian 1

This course is designed for advanced students to further increase proficiency in Russian, expanding vocabulary and enhancing clarity and precision in the use of the language.




21-391 Third-Year Language in Location 1

This course provides for advanced study in a target language in location.  Intended for Study Abroad students, content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.



Four semesters' proficiency in the target language. Prior approvals of both the director of the Foreign Language Program and the director of the Study Abroad Program are required.

21-392 Third-Year Language in Location 2

This course provides for advanced study in a target language in location. Intended for Study Abroad students, content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.



Five semesters' proficiency in the target language. Prior approvals of both the director of the Foreign Language Program and the director of the Study Abroad Program are required.

21-399 Advanced Practice Language in Location

This course is intended for Study Abroad students who are highly proficient in the target language.  Content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.



Third year proficiency in the target language. May be taken at the same time as third year courses if approved. Prior approvals of both the director of the Foreign Language Program and the director of the Study Abroad Program are required.