LP-200 Introduction to Computer Science

This course explores the field of computer science.  It provides an overview of computer architecture, networking, data organization, information security, and computational theory.  Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts underlying all of computing, such as algorithms, abstractions, and how computers represent numbers, text, images, and sound.  Students will learn the basics of programming and computational problem solving.



LD-115 or equivalent.

LP-210 Programming Fundamentals

A study of computer organization, data types, expressions, logical structures, subprograms (subroutines and functions), recursion, structured data types (arrays and records), dynamically allocated data, array-based lists, linked lists, stacks, queues, graphs, trees, sorting, and searching.




LP-220 Introduction to Unix

Students are introduced to the Unix operating system, including installation, configuration, administration, and on-line documentation. Networking with TCP/IP is presented, together with an introduction to apache (http server) and samba (file and printer server). Security controls in Unix and operating system virtualization are also discussed.


Prior or concurrent enrollment in LP-200.

LP-230 Visual Basic

This course introduces computer programming using the Visual BASIC programming language with object-oriented programming designs and principles. The Microsoft .NET framework is used to develop applications. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger. An introduction to databases and ASP .NET applications is also discussed.



LP-245 Object-Oriented Programming

Students will learn to design and develop software using the object-oriented approach.  Topics include encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and patterns.  Students will learn how to use an SDK to develop desktop and web applications that provide data processing and visualization services.  Students will also learn how to manage threads and networking connections in software they write.




LP-247 Web and Distributed Programming

Languages and technologies for programming and leveraging web-based computer services securely. Languages include PHP, Perl, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, CSS, and HTML5. Technologies include relational databases, web services, Hadoop, and cloud computing platforms. This course teaches students how to develop useful applications using a variety of distributed data and programming models.

