87 - Aerospace Studies

87-000 Leadership Laboratories

This course is a study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drills, ceremonies, the issuance of military commands and instruction, directing and evaluating skills, studying the environment of the Air Force officer and learning about the areas of opportunity available to commissioned officers. The course covers the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps and preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications, as well as providing interviews, guidance and information to increase the understanding, motivation and performance of other cadets.


87-101 Air Force Today I

An introduction to the U.S. Air Force and Air Force ROTC, this course focuses on officership and professionalism, military customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, drill and ceremonies. Leadership Laboratory continues to emphasize the application of customs and courtesies, health and fitness, drill and ceremonies.


87-102 Air Force Today II

An introduction to the history and organization of the U.S. Air Force. The origin of the Air Force is described and the current command structure reviewed. Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics. Courses 87-147, 87- 148, 87-247, 87-248, 87-347, 87-348, 87-447 and 87-448 focus on Air Force Physical Training. These courses increase cadet's levels of physical fitness and emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


87-201 The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power I

This course examines general aspects of air and space power from a historical perspective. Examples are provided to show the development of Air Force capabilities and missions from early flight through the Korean War. Communication skills are also refined. Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics.


87-202 The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power II

This course continues the study of topics covered in 87-201, covering the period from the Vietnam War through today. Improving and refining communication skills are continued. Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics.


87-301 Air Force Leadership Studies I

This course is the study of leadership authority principles and accountability management fundamentals, as well as the oral and written presentation and counseling skills required of an Air Force junior officer. Advanced Leadership Laboratory complements this course by providing leadership experience in officer-type activities.


87-302 Air Force Leadership Studies II

This course is the study of professional knowledge, motivation, empowerment, mentoring, delegation, quality management, Air Force personnel and evaluation systems, leadership ethics and oral and written presentation skills required of an Air Force junior officer. Advanced Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics.


87-401 National Security Affairs

Designed for college seniors, this course gives the students foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It closely examines the national security process, regional studies, Air Force doctrine and current issues affecting the military profession. Emphasis is placed on refining the oral and written communication skills. Advanced Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics.


87-402 Preparation for Active Duty

Designed for college seniors, this course provides students with the foundation for understanding their role as military officers in American society. The course builds on the subject matter previously covered in 87-401 and further examines regional studies, advanced leadership ethics, military justice, the military as a profession and officership. Preparation for active duty life is one of the core elements of the course. Students learn about the role of an Air Force commander, in addition to various services and programs available at military installations. Emphasis is also given to refining oral and written communication skills. Advanced Leadership Laboratory continues the study of these topics.