MILI-10000 Military Science Leadership Lab

This course offers practical application of military skills taught in the basic and advanced courses. Hands-on training is provided in basic soldiers’ skills, squad and platoon tactics, weapons, communications and organizational leadership.

MILI-11100 Introduction to Leadership

This course is an introduction to fundamental components of service for officers in the United States Army, providing the initial lessons that form the building blocks of progressive lessons in values, fitness, leadership and officership. This course also addresses life skills including fitness, communications theory and practice (written and oral); interpersonal relationships; and the ethics of Christian service. Emphasis on hands-on learning also includes instruction in map reading, orienteering, marksmanship and rappelling. Included are weekly leadership laboratories, one weekend field trip and physical training. Upon completion of this semester, cadets should be prepared to receive more complex leadership instruction.


MILI 10000

MILI-11200 Introduction to the Profession of Arms

This course builds on the fundamentals introduced in the previous semester by focusing on leadership theory and decision making. Life skills lessons include problem solving, critical thinking, leadership theory, followership, group interaction, goal setting and feedback mechanisms. Upon completion of this semester, cadets should be prepared to advance to more complex leadership instruction concerning the dynamics of organizations. Additionally, they will be required to demonstrate increasing knowledge of leadership fundamentals and communications (written and oral). Hands-on instruction in map reading, orienteering, marksmanship and rappelling is included. Weekly leadership laboratories, one weekend field trip and physical training are also required.


MILI 11100


MILI 10000