05-410 Classroom Assessment and Intervention
This course is designed for classroom teachers to develop multi-layered conceptual and technical skills in classroom assessment in order to fairly evaluate student learning to promote the highest level of achievement. Candidates will be trained to respond to the mandated implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI) procedures to provide high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, including highly proficient struggling learners and English language learners, monitoring progress in order to make decisions about changes in instruction and applying child response data to important educational decisions is expected. Teachers need an understanding of assessment in evidence-based instructional methods that will benefit many children who are challenged by academic content. The focus of this course, accordingly, will be on assessment and analysis of data for instructional programming, and the accompanying implications for appropriate teaching adjustments and interventions for learning. Understandings and skills include: developing and using a variety of classroom assessments (formative and summative), standardized educational testing including Illinois state tests, basic psychometric statistics; applying interventions and progress monitoring; grading; communicating assessment information; testing ethics; locating and evaluating assessment measures; in depth analysis of accompanying publishers' tests and assessments used for educational policy decisions. Candidates will demonstrate evidence of their understandings and skills by designing, implementing and evaluating informal and formal assessments and intervention strategies before, during and after learning. Field assignments for this course are arranged through the concurrent field experiences in 05-300 and/or 05-400.