ECED-40100 Field Experience 3: Preprimary ESL Methods – Pre-K and K

Candidates complete 50 hours of field experience practice in an ESL or bilingual Kindergarten approved setting. Guidelines for the field experience are found in the College of Education Field Experiences Handbook. Candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to discuss their work in the schools. The mentor teacher and University supervisor conduct performance assessments of the pre-service teacher during this experience.


ECED-40200 Field Experience 4: Primary Methods - Grades 1-3

Candidates complete 50 hours of field experience practice in primary grades regular education and special education settings in grades 1-3. Guidelines for the field experience are found in the College of Education Field Experiences Handbook. Candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to discuss their work in the schools. The mentor teacher and University supervisor conduct performance assessments of the pre-service teacher during this experience.


ECED-44000 Collaboration and Adaptations for Special Needs in General Education Settings

Candidates examine the importance and process of collaboration with family, classroom teachers, para-educators and other school and community personnel in integrating individuals with disabilities into various social and learning environments. Candidates study the process of examining the learning environment and classroom demands combined with the learning characteristics of the student for the purpose of selection of appropriate strategies and materials. Candidates investigate techniques for modifying instructional methods, curricular materials and the environment, modification of state and local assessments, as well as use of behavior management plans. Specific attention is given to effective co-teaching practice including effective communication, collaboration, co-planning and conflict resolution skills. Fostering positive interactions between students with and without disabilities is addressed. Candidates practice collaboration through involvement in collaborative exercises and projects within this course.


ECED-45000 Extended Field Experience: Early Childhood

This course is intended for those candidates who need extended field experiences with the ongoing supervision by University personnel.  Length of field experiences will be determined by the Department and is subject to Department Chair approval.  Completion of this experience does not guarantee eligibility for student teaching.


ECED-48100 Clinical Practice and Seminar: Early Childhood

The purpose of this clinical practice experience is to assist the candidates in applying their theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills to the diverse and multicultural early childhood classroom. During clinical practice, candidates engage in two guided, 8 week full-time teaching experiences in early childhood classrooms, under the cooperation and supervision of mentor teachers and a University supervisor. Clinical practice consists of the candidate observing the students, the environment and the mentor teacher, as well as being responsible for the developmentally appropriate instruction of students individually, in small groups and as a whole class. Attendance at Clinical Practice Seminar is required. Evidence of successful completion of the appropriate State of Illinois content area test must be received in the College of Education at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the clinical practice semester.