Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy and English Language Learning M.Ed.

The Master of Education degree, Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy and English Language Learning is designed for those individuals who wish to obtain dual endorsements as a Reading Teacher and as a teacher for English Language Learners. This program will provide the candidate with both endorsements and a Master of Education degree.

Candidates seeking to obtain a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy and English Language Learning must meet certain criteria. These include the following:

  1. A valid initial or standard Illinois Teaching Certificate (Type 03, 04, 09, 10).
  2. Submit evidence of passing grade on Illinois Certification Basic Skills Test.
  3. Fulfillment of Survey of Exceptional Child requirement (105 ILCS 5/21-2a).
  4. Successful completion of the following program requirements:

Degree Requirements

Required courses

51-510Foundations of Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations


51-512Linguistics for the Teachers of English Language Learners


51-526Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a New Language


51-557Curriculum and Instruction


52-539Assessment of Literacy and English Language Learning


52-542Cross-Cultural Studies in Literacy and English Language Learning


52-509Child and Adolescent Literature


52-533Methods and Strategies for Reading Comprehension Instruction, Including Instructional Practicum for the Reading Teacher


52-536Remediation of Reading Difficulties


52-575Practical Research for Learning Communities


Comprehensive Examination

65 Clinical Hours in Reading: Clinical

Requirement in ESL

One of the following:

52-523Foundations and Methods of Teaching Reading Grades 4-12, Including the Content Areas


OR (dependent on previous coursework)

52-524Foundations and Methods of Teaching Reading Grades P-3


Total hours for the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy and English Language Learning are 33 semester hours with requisite clinical hours in Reading and ESL.

In order to meet the ISBE reading teacher endorsement requirements, the design of the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy and English Language Learning requires that a candidate have at least three hours of previous graduate or undergraduate coursework in reading. Any additional requests for course transfer will be considered individually and will not exceed six hours. Certain core courses may not be transferred. Anyone who does not have three hours of previous reading coursework can fulfill that deficiency through Lewis University.

State Assessment Requirements

At the conclusion of the program, candidates seeking Reading Teacher Endorsement must pass the Illinois Certification Test for the Reading Teacher. ESL Endorsement requires 100 clinical/field hours or three months teaching with ESL/ELL students.