HIST-20300 Historiography 1: Sophomore Writing Seminar

Students are introduced to and practice the methods of historical writing which include proper citation, thesis development, library/archival research skills, the use of primary and secondary historical sources, numeracy/statistics interpretive skills, and improved writing skills. Students will be introduced to schools of historical interpretation. This is a requirement for history majors.


HIST-21100 Latin American and Caribbean History: Ancient Times to the Present

A survey of the region's indigenous cultures, the Spanish colonial period, independence movements and development in the 20th century is presented.


HIST-23600 History of Illinois

Students study the land, people, and state from before the coming of the Europeans to the present.


HIST-26000 African History: Ancient Times to the Present

This course provides a survey of African history, early civilizations, kingdoms and empires, the Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, independence and current issues.


HIST-26100 History of India: Ancient Times to the Present

A survey of the history of the Indian subcontinent is presented, including early civilization, the colonial period, independence and current issues.


HIST-290XX Topics in History

This course will cover global topics with interdisciplinary perspectives. Examples are World War II in a Global Context, World History of Women, and Global Environmental History.