THEO-40200 Pastoral Ministry Practicum

This capstone course will offer pastoral ministry students an opportunity to gain experience in a ministerial setting while being supervised onsite and mentored by a faculty member.  Through experience, additional reading, synthesis of prior theological study, and structured reflection, course participants prepare for employment as ministerial professionals. Should be taken in the final year of theological study.



THEO 30200

THEO-41500 Capstone: Theology Studies Seminar

This course provides a capstone seminar experience for Theology Studies students to integrate what they have learned in their major studies as well as their general education coursework. Students will consider how their studies in theology have shaped their development as critical and creative thinkers. They will engage questions that integrate the depth and breadth of their educational experiences in order to articulate a personal and professional trajectory.


Permission of the Department Chair

THEO-420XX Special Topics

This series of courses is organized by topic, event, individual, movement, era, issue, question or concern and is designed to explore areas not covered in regularly offered courses.


THEO-43100 Research in Theology

A study of research methods and resources in the discipline of theology, this course teaches students to compile a bibliography for use in the discipline. The emphasis of the course varies from year to year, focusing on an important person in the history of Christian theology or an important movement or school of thought in the history of Christian theology. The course fulfills the advanced writing requirement for majors in Theology.


THEO-46100 Christian Service and Society

This course provides a framework for responding to the needs of the disadvantaged members of society, especially the elderly, the hungry, the homeless and the institutionalized. Students provide practical action plans of service learning based on Scripture, existing or possible social or ministerial services, and the support of others similarly interested. The course includes a required service learning component.


THEO-45000 Capstone: Peace Studies Seminar

This capstone provides an integrative experience for the Peace Studies Minor offering students an opportunity to synthesize what they have learned in both course and field work. Students review and evaluate theory, models of practice, research, and experience to develop their understanding of the ways peacebuilding and conflict-transformation are engaged personally, spiritually, locally, regionally, and globally. The course requires a project (e.g., the completion of an e-portfolio, major paper, and/or public presentation) integrating peace and justice theory and praxis with a student’s academic major and future career aspirations. THEO 45000 should be taken in the final semester of the minor.



THEO 25000 and at least 4 other courses which fulfill the minor

THEO-49900 Theology Independent Study

This course is designed to meet the needs of Theology majors wishing to study an advanced topic not found in the curriculum.