Organizational Leadership Bachelor of Arts to Master of Arts

Total Credit Hours: 159

Major Credit Hours: 42

The Lewis University B.A./M.A . Organizational Leadership Fast Track program allows qualified Lewis University undergraduate Organizational Leadership majors to complete the graduate program in less time than would be possible without this option.

The Fast Track program reduces the total number of hours required to earn the graduate degree by six. Normally a master’s degree student would be required to earn 37 credit hours for the M.A. in Organizational Leadership. However, Fast Track students are required to complete only 31 credit hours to earn the M.A. Six hours of elective credit normally required of M.A. students will be waived for students who earn their B.A. degree in Organizational Leadership at Lewis, having completed all 30 hours of undergraduate courses in the major at Lewis, and who have applied for and been accepted into the M.A. program.

In order to qualify for the B.A./M.A. degree option in Organizational Leadership, students must

  1. Complete Lewis University’s B.A. in Organizational Leadership degree.
  2. Have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 in courses in the B.A. Organizational Leadership major.
  3. Have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the B.A. degree.
  4. Submit a Graduate Application, meet with a representative from the Graduate and Adult Admission office, and be accepted into the M.A. program.

Total Hours to graduate in the B.A./M.A. Fast Track (including undergraduate general education requirements, major courses, and electives): 128 undergraduate hours + 31 graduate hours = 159 total Fast Track hours.

Degree Requirements

I. Core Courses (30)

LL-300Introduction to the Applied Social Sciences


LL-320Life, Career and the Emerging Workplace


LL-330Social Theory


LL-340Organizational Development


LL-360Leadership and Organizational Change


LL-400Learning in Organization Studies


LL-420Leadership for Service


LL-430Organizational Text and Discourse


LL-440Organizational Research Analysis




II. Elective Courses (12)

Advisor-approved electives are offered on a regular basis.

III. Courses in the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Program appear in the Graduate Catalog. Undergraduate students who will complete at Lewis University all 30 credit hours of undergraduate courses in Organizational Leadership should consult the LU Graduate Catalog for admissions criteria to the MAOL.

IV. The advanced writing requirement of the General Education Curriculum is satisfied by successful completion of LL440 Organizational Research Analysis.