Second Bachelor’s Degree

Lewis University permits the holder of a bachelor’s degree to earn a second bachelor’s degree from the University. The first step in seeking a second bachelor’s degree from Lewis is to be admitted to the University as an undergraduate student. The candidate should follow either procedure A or B in the following section (depending on whether the first bachelor’s degree was earned at Lewis or at another college or university).

Upon admission to the University, the student must meet all curricular requirements to earn a bachelor’s degree and complete the requirements of a major other than the major(s) completed in obtaining the first degree. The course of study for the second degree must include at least 32 credit hours not counted for any other degree. These 32 credits and any other credit hours needed to complete the second bachelor’s degree must be earned at Lewis University (See Academic Policies for other requirements). Credit by examination nor Prior Learning Assessment can be counted toward fulfilling the requirement.

Students seeking a second bachelor’s degree must follow degree requirements as outlined in this catalog as they pertain to the completion of a major course of study, fulfill general education requirements, and apply for graduation.

Previous credits earned (elsewhere or at Lewis) will be treated as transfer credits. They shall not apply in determining GPA, class rank, rank in the major or honors at graduation.

While attending Lewis, seekers of a second bachelor’s degree must comply with all the financial payment policies and student conduct policies. In these areas, students seeking a second bachelor’s degree are not distinguished from other Lewis University undergraduates.