Transfer Credit and Placement

Illinois Articulation Initiative in General Education

Lewis University participates fully in the General Education Portion of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). Transfer students who have completed the IAI general education core courses with a previous institution will have to complete only the appropriate Mission-based courses as part of the graduation requirements for Lewis University. Visit the Illinois Articulation Initiative Web site at for more information on approved courses from each participating Illinois college.

Lewis curriculum requirements allow a complete transfer of credit, in most cases, for incoming transfer students. Course grades, however, do not transfer. Students with questions should contact the Office of Admission for assistance. Transfer guides for the Illinois community colleges can be accessed at on the Lewis University Web site.

Evaluation of transfer credit (in traditional programs) is based on the following criteria:

  1. Transfer credit must be earned from schools accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association or another regional accrediting agency.
  2. Transfer credit must be earned in coursework that parallels offerings given at Lewis University or is acceptable through an articulation agreement. The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees are accepted.
  3. Community college terminal programs will transfer if prior articulation has occurred between the particular community college and Lewis University. (For example, law enforcement, marketing, management, and some community college programs in nursing.) To be considered in this category, the courses must fundamentally draw upon the natural or social sciences and be appropriate to the liberal arts curriculum.
  4. A maximum of 72 semester hours of community college credits (or credits from a two-year school) will be accepted at the time of entry. An unlimited number of hours will be accepted from upper division/senior institutions. Transferable credit must be degree applicable.
  5. Credit hours for “D” grades will transfer provided that the course is not equivalent to the required College Writing courses or required by the student’s major or minor.
  6. A maximum of four hours will transfer in physical education activity courses.
  7. All transferable prior learning credit earned before enrolling at Lewis, and in combination with community college credit, may not exceed 72 credit hours.
  8. All transfer students must complete the final 32 hours of their degree, including at least four upper-division courses in the major, two upper- division courses in the minor, and 6 hours of University Mission courses at Lewis.
  9. Developmental and/or remedial courses completed at another institution are not transferable.