02-302 Introduction to Radiography and Medical Imaging



Acceptance into the NMH BS-RAD program

02-303 Imaging Principles I



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program

02-315 General Ecology

A study of the interactions of organisms and environments, this course focuses on individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems, landscapes and cycling of matter within energy systems. Laboratory and outdoor work, including field trips emphasizing ecological principles relevant to local habitats, rounds out the course.



02-220, 02-224.

02-316 General Ecology Lab

This is the laboratory companion to the General Ecology course. Investigations focus on techniques to gauge interactions between the biological and physical environments, field and conceptual sampling methods, population models, and an exploration of emerging technologies in ecology.



Enrollment in 02-315, 02-220,02-224, or 03-108 or 03-115.

02-318 Radiographic Procedures I and Lab



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program

02-320 Biostatistics

An introduction to the design and analysis of tests and experimental procedures in the physical and life sciences, this course covers distribution T-tests, analysis of variance, regression, chi-square and other tests of significance. Students are required to design and analyze experiments of both a scientific and technical nature. This class is recommended for graduate oriented students and those who intend to enter technical based industries.



02-115, 03-115 or consent of the instructor


One year of Biological or Physical Science and one semester of college-level Mathematics.

02-322 Environmental Microbiology

This course will examine microbial processes in the environment, microbial communities, microbial interactions, and microbial applications.




02-323 Environmental Microbiology Lab

This course gives students the opportunity to perform basic laboratory and molecular techniques used to investigate microbes in the environment.




02-328 Fluoroscopic Procedures I



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-329 Technical Radiation Oncology I

This course will provide the student therapist with the technical aspects of radiation therapy. Discussion will include modalities of treatment and the distinctive properties of each patient setup consideration. This will also include basic hand calculations.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program

02-330 Management and Methods of Patient Care for Sonography

This course will present basic patient care techniques related to the medical imaging environment. Topics presented include sterile and aseptic technique, standard precautions, venipuncture, patient transfer, care of medical equipment, infection control, patient communication, basic EKG, and monitoring and recording of vital signs.



Admission to the NMH BS-DMS program

02-331 Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy I

Content is designed to provide an overview of cancer and the specialty of radiation therapy. The medical, biological, and pathological aspect as well as the physical and technical aspects will be discussed. The roles and responsibilities of the radiation therapist, the treatment prescription, the documentation of treatment parameters and delivery will also be discussed.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.

02-332 Fundamentals of Sonography

Orientation to basic ultrasound equipment, instrumentation and transducers, acoustic energy, scanning planes and techniques, anatomy identification, image orientation, and terminology.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.

02-333 Pathology/Sectional Anatomy

The course content is presented in two parts: general pathology and neoplasia. General pathology introduces basic disease concepts, theories of disease causation and system-by-system pathophysiologic disorders most frequently encountered in clinical practice. Neoplasia provides an in-depth study of new and abnormal development of cells. The processes involved in the development and classification of both benign and malignant tumors and site-specific information on malignant tumors is presented. Content is designed to study normal sectional anatomy via diagrams and radiologic images.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.

02-334 Radiation Therapy Physics I

Content is designed to establish a basic knowledge of physics pertinent to developing an understanding of radiations used in the clinical setting. Fundamental physical units, measurements, principles, atomic structure, and types of radiation are emphasized. Also presented are the fundamentals of x-ray generating equipment, x-ray production, and its interaction with matter.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.

02-335 Advanced Clinical Physiology

Designed for the Biology/Pre-Professional major, this course is structured with focus on medical physiology. All major organ systems are covered as well as an in-depth analysis of the maintenance of acid-base balance as a consequence of renal and respiratory interplay. Students will examine each independent system beginning at the cellular level, followed by organ/system function, and their learning experience will culminate with the complete multi-system functioning of the entire organism. Emphasis is on the normal, non-diseased state.




02-336 Case Studies in Human Physiology

Designed to be taken in conjunction with Advanced Clinical Physiology (02-335), this non-traditional laboratory component looks at issues in medical physiology and systems function using the case study approach. Students are given medical/laboratory data from a patient and asked to apply knowledge of cell/organ/system function as well as feedback loops to provide potential diagnoses and treatment regimens. Cases are modeled after USMLE Step I (Clinical Board) testing. Lecture notes and outside readings provide the basis for assignments and discussion each class period. Prerequisite: 02-355.




02-337 Clinical Practicum I

Content is designed to provide sequential development, application, analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in radiation therapy. Through structured sequential assignments in clinical facilities, concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development shall be discussed, examined, and evaluated. This includes supervised clinical education, which offers a sufficient and well-balanced variety of radiation treatments, examinations, and equipment. Various rotations include: three general radiation therapy treatment rooms, Simulator/CT Simulator, Nursing Department, and Physics/Dosimetry Department.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.

02-338 Medical Terminology

Study of root words, prefixes, and suffixes of the medical vocabulary. Also included are medical abbreviations and applicable symbols. A combination of learning exercises and chapter quizzes are utilized. Emphasis is on application of terminology through the use of chapter objectives, learning exercises, and critical thinking exercises.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT, BS-DMS, BS-RT or BS-RAD program.

02-339 Medical Imaging/Processing

Content is designed to establish a knowledge base in factors that govern and influence the production and recording of radiographic images for patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment verification in radiation oncology. Radiation oncology imaging equipment and related devices will be emphasized.



Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.

02-340 Management and Methods of Patient Care I

Skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision-making are developed, as well as oral and written communication skills. Career skills are enhanced through the interview process, resume writing, and administrative duties including: budgeting, medical and legal considerations, and political issues affecting health care. Special emphasis is placed on research methods, medical law and ethics, and scheduling guidelines. Focus on basic measures necessary to provide quality patient care. Basic principles of record keeping and maintaining confidentiality of information are explained.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program.

02-341 Sectional Imaging Anatomy Sonography

Study of anatomy of the abdominal, pelvic, and thoracic cavities, the extremities, and the cervical area. Focus is on the cross-sectional and 3-dimensional relationships.



Admission to the NMH BS-DMS program.

02-342 Radiation Safety and Protection

Supervised practice and procedures for the receipt, handling, transporting, storage, usage, record keeping, disposal, and decontamination of radioactive materials. Emphasis on licensing and regulations set forth by local, state, and federal agencies. Academic and clinical instruction provides students with radiation safety techniques to minimize exposure to patients, the public, fellow workers, and themselves. Regulations regarding therapeutic dosages and follow-up procedures are also considered. Focus on practical mathematics in muclear medicine including radiation unit conversion, dose conversion, dose claculation, determination of specific activity, decay, and half-life calculation, counting efficiency, and statistics.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program.

02-343 Principles of Ultrasound Physics I

Introduction to and study of the fundamental principles of diagnostic ultrasound physics and instrumentation. Study of acoustic physics and various diagnostic equipment along with artifacts and quality control.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.

02-344 Radiation Physics/ Instrumentation

Theory and physical principles associated with atomic structure, nuclear and quantum physics related to radioactive decay. Properties of the elements and the production of characteristic x and gamma rays, anger electrons, and Bremstahlung. Instruction on the modes of decay, radiation dosimetry, and interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. Basic physics, instrumentation, and radiochemistry of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), SPECT/CT, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and PET/CT.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.

02-345 Abdominal Sonography & Lab

Study of normal abdominal anatomy and sonographic appearances. Review of physiologic function and correlation of laboratory data. Integration of radiology reports, patient history, and procedures to effectively perform a diagnostic exam of an organ. Sonographic methods to visualize pediatric and adult abdomen are discussed. Lab sessions with practicals in scanning techniques are an integral part of the course.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.

02-346 Diagnostic Nuclear Imaging Clinical Practicum I

Supervised clinical education that gives the student the opportunity to perform a variety of patient procedures on both Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), SPECT/CT, PET and PET/CT imaging systems for all diagnostic, therapeutic, non-imaging, in-vivo and in-vitro procedures. Clinical competencies developed in patient care, positioning techniques, analyzing images, and the selection of imaging parameters and collimators. Knowledge of integrated computer systems designed for use with clinical gamma cameras, SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET, and PET/CT images. The clinical practicum is designed to promote independent critical thinking, balanced responsibility, organization, and accountability in the student. Students will demonstrate competence in all procedures presented.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.

02-347 Obstetrical-Gynecological Sonography with Embryology

Study of obstetrical and gynecological anatomy with clinical applications and sonographic methods used to visualize pelvic organs, pregnant uterus and related structures. Discussion of embryogenesis and a review of the reproductive cycle is included. Normal sonographic patterns are studied.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.

02-348 Clinical Nuclear Medicine Procedures I

Emphasis on theory and techniques of clinical procedures used in nuclear medicine imaging. Areas emphasized include patient care, developing acquisition parameters, imaging techniques, radionuclide identification, energies, half-lives, and principles of radionuclides in imaging and non-imaging procedures. Students will continue to develop an increased degree of competence in their performance of the skills related to critical thinking and problem solving.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.

02-349 Clinical Education I

A continuation of hospital/clinic sonographic experience. Practicum in all the clinical applications in the specialties of abdominal organs and obstetrics-gynecology. Pass-fail grading.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor

02-350 Radiography Clinical I



Admission to the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-351 Clinical Education II

A continuation of hospital/clinic sonographic experience. Practicum in all the clinical applications in the specialties of abdominal organs and obstetrics-gynecology. Pass-fail grading.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor

02-355 Biochemistry I- Molecular Biochemistry with Clinical Correlates

The role of proteins and their molecular precursors, the nucleic acids, is the focus of this course in Biochemistry. As such, students will advance basic understanding of transcription and translation achieved from Genetics (02-220) using clinically relevant models. Drawing from this knowledge base, students will apply their understanding of protein structure/function in an in depth analysis of enzyme biochemistry as well as cell signaling mechanisms. Terminology is utilized from both Organic Chemistry and the Biological sciences.



02-220 and 02-221. This course does NOT fulfill the requirement for Chemistry/Biochemistry majors.

02-356 Biochemistry I Lab

Students participate in laboratory investigations using biochemical techniques for the separation, identification and analysis of biological compounds. Molecular techniques utilized in this lab include ELISA, gel filtration chromatography, protein titration, advanced enzyme kinetic assays, 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and Southern blot analysis.



Enrollment in 02-355. This course does NOT fulfill the requirement for Chemistry/Biochemistry majors.

02-357 Biochemistry II-Nutritional Biochemistry with Clinical Correlates

A study of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as sources of nutrition is the focus of this course. Students will learn about the detailed anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the various mechanisms by which the biopolymers are digested and absorbed into general circulation. The interdependent biochemical processes that allow cells to utilize food energy, hormonal regulation of these processes, as well as the impact of minerals and vitamins on the cellular mechanisms, are addressed.



02-220 and 02-224 or equivalent. This course does NOT fulfill the requirement for Chemistry/Biochemistry majors.

02-358 Biochemistry II Lab

This lab is a continuation of 02-356 and is designed to round out the Biology student's preparation for the modern cell/molecular lab. Laboratory investigations include the use of biochemical techniques for the separation/purification and analysis of biological compounds, enzyme assays, affinity chromatography, competitive binding assays, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting.



Enrollment in 02-357. This course does NOT fulfill the requirement for Chemistry/Biochemistry majors.

02-359 Cellular Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology is reviewed at the cellular level and progresses to tissues and body systems. The disruption of cellular processes by infections, genetic disorders, and environmental factors are discussed. Neoplastic growth and carcinogenesis are examined, and the types and effects of diseases in various organ systems are studied.



Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor

02-360 Radiation Detection and Instrumentation

Evaluation, maintenance, and function of instrumentation used in imaging and in the laboratory. Principles and theory of PET/CT and scintillation camera operation and performance. Radiation measurement, event counting activity, pulse height spectra, detection efficiency, resolving time and statistics. Flood field and bar phantom use for assessing camera uniformity, relative sensitivity, spatial linearity, and resolution testing. Quality assurance procedures for the PET scanner include radial, tangential and axial resolution, sensitivity, linearity, uniformity, attenuation accuracy, scatter determination, and dead time corrections. Knowledge of the operations and maintenance of computer hardware and software. Emphasis on data collection, analysis and processing used in clinical imaging. Application of computer devices and memory usage. Emphasis on SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET, and PET/CT quality control procedures.



Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.

02-361 Physics of Radiography



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-363 Biomimicry and Whole Systems Thinking

Biomimicry is a branch of study which focuses on imitating nature's best ideas as an inspiration to solve problems faced by humans on earth. The course is designed to get students to think ecologically and work with complex whole living systems and apply them to solve human problems. This course is intended to give students the opportunity to explore past, present and future examples of biomimetic solutions and designs to human problems.




02-365 Medical Law and Ethics



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-366 Radiographic Procedures II and Lab



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-368 Fluoroscopic Procedures II



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-373 Renewable Energy Technologies

Students will take a look at conventional energy systems, peak oil, global warming, global energy issues, and a comprehensive examination of alternative renewable energy resources. Fundamentals of renewable technologies such as bioenergy, hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind, and solar power will be studied. The key goal is to challenge students to consider energy production and distribution with an eye toward long-term, low impact solutions.




02-375 Issues in Environmental Science

This course is a continuation of Principles of Environmental Science (02-233). The approach considers effects of human activity on ecosystems. Topics include environmental ethics, restoration ecology, the atmosphere, energy and pollution. Some fieldwork may be included.



02-222, 02-233

02-378 Radiography Clinical II



Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.

02-380 Biochemistry Journal Club

This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Biochemistry. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Biochemistry Journal Clubs will focus on principles related to basic cellular chemistry including enzyme kinetics, molecular physiology, cellular nutrition, and cellular regulatory/ feedback mechanisms. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.



Successful completion of 02-220, 02-221, 02-224, and 02-226; consent of the instructor.

02-381 Physiology Journal Club

This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Physiology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Physiology Journal Clubs will introduce students to the wide array of literature related to structure/function studies and the application of this knowledge. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.



Successful completion of 02-220, 02-221, 02-224 and 02-226; consent of the instructor.

02-382 Microbiology Journal Club

This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Microbiology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Microbiology journal clubs will focus on current literature related to microbial interactions, physiology, and clinically relevant topics. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.



Successful completion of 02-220, 02-221, 02-224 and 02-226; consent of the instructor.

02-383 Ecology Journal Club

This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Ecology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. A mix of classic and contemporary studies covering field, laboratory, and theoretical ecology are considered. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.



02-220, 02-221, 02-224 and 02-226; consent of the instructor.

02-384 Genetics Journal Club

This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Genetics. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Genetics Journal Club will introduce students to a diverse selection of primary literature focusing on the design and techniques of experiments and the application of these findings.



02-220, 02-221, 02-224 and 02-226; consent of the instructor.

02-393 Green Building & LEED Rating Systems

The built environment focuses on community growth, local economic opportunity, and the protection of public health and the environment while creating and enhancing the places where people live. How and where development occurs can effect ecosystem quality and services, habitat protection, water resources, energy consumption, and indoor and outdoor air quality. Students will integrate these concepts related the built environment with emphasis on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.




02-397 ACCA Seminars

These classes are seminars offered by member institutions of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA). The topics vary from one semester to another. These courses do not fulfill the upper division requirement for any program offered by the Biology department.



Consent of Biology Department advisor.