05-300 Classroom Management with Field Experience II (50 field experience hrs.)

This course is designed to give candidates a broad review of classroom management, including theories and applications for creating classroom environments that are conducive to learning in order to provide equitable learning outcomes for all students. Candidates will demonstrate understanding of and be evaluated on various aspects of classroom management, including classroom structure and routines, working with individual differences of students, and strategies of effective student engagement. Candidates will complete a minimum of 50 hours of field experience practice in an elementary or middle school where they will have experience in managing a classroom. Guidelines for the field experience are found in the Candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to discuss their work in the schools. The cooperating teacher and University supervisor conduct performance assessments of the pre-service teacher during this experience.



2.75 GPA; Consent of Education Advisor; 05-240.

05-301 Educational Psychology

This course introduces candidates to the field of educational psychology and its application to the classroom for children and adolescents. Content covers theories of learning, motivation, personality, growth, development and intelligence, including the impact of cognitive, emotional, physical and sensory disabilities on learning. Assessment and basic descriptive statistics are addressed. An emphasis on professional reflection, collaboration and communication encourages candidates to actively apply theoretical information to a variety of learning situations. This course also covers the role of the middle school teacher in assessment, coordination and referral of students to health and social services.



Pass Illinois Basic Skills Test/Test of Academic Proficiency; 2.75 GPA; Sophomore Status. It is recommended that 05-301 and 05-240 be taken concurrently.

05-340 Methods of Teaching Science and Health, K-9

This course prepares the candidate to design and implement age appropriate inquiry lessons to teach the fundamental concepts in life, physical, earth and space science as well as physical development and health. NSES and Illinois State Standards are used, along with those of ACEI, to design a program that builds upon the candidate's relevant background knowledge, awareness of current achievement issues, and knowledge of the disparate needs of all learners including English Language learners, struggling learners and already proficient learners. Methods of differentiating instruction, using technology, and developing assessment strategies to meet the individual needs of students are embedded throughout the course. Prerequisite: Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to successfully plan and implement strategies taught in this course.



2.75 GPA; Consent of Education Advisor; 05-240.

05-352 Methods of Teaching Mathematics, K-9

This course focuses on the development of math methods and research-based instructional strategies for elementary and middle school students incorporating the NCTM, Illinois State Standards, and common core standards. The course emphasizes the teaching of numbers and operations, probability, data analysis, algebra, geometry, and measurement as well as mathematical concepts and problem solving. Methods of differentiating instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all students including ELL, struggling learners, and already proficient learners are included. The candidate will learn how to create or use math manipulatives, literature books, and technology to teach these concepts. Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to successfully plan and implement strategies taught in this course. Field based experiences will provide opportunities for students to connect teaching theory with classroom practice.



2.75 GPA; Consent of Education Advisor; 05-240.

05-353 Methods of Teaching Early Reading and Literacy Instruction, P-3

This course introduces the candidate to the teaching and learning processes associated with scientifically based research reading practices in P-3 elementary classrooms and will emphasize the scientific foundations of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension strategies. Developmental stages of learning to read and write, interactive teaching strategies, and instructional materials, methods and assessments will be presented and practiced. Emphasis will be placed on development of the knowledge base needed to assist beginning teachers in making insightful, data-driven decisions regarding their objectives and practices. Updated information on current trends, literature, technology, research, Illinois State Standards and common core standards will be emphasized. Classroom literacy interventions including progress monitoring in accordance with the Response to Intervention (RTI) mandate will be practiced for students at risk of reading failure. Methods of differentiating instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all students including ELL, struggling learners, and already proficient learners are included. Current multi-cultural children's literature will be used in simulated classroom teaching experiences. Field based experiences will provide opportunities for candidates to connect teaching theory with classroom practice. Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to successfully plan and implement strategies taught in this course.



2.75 GPA; Consent of Education Advisor; 05-240.

05-354 Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Multicultural Education, K-9

This course focuses on research-based instructional strategies, technology, resources, national (NCSS) curriculum standards, Illinois State Standards, and common core standards. The emphasis of this course is on understanding and using the interrelationships among history, geography, economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and archeology to develop in students an appreciation and responsibility toward citizenship, multiculturalism, and a democratic society. In addition this course includes planning and organizing for instruction, material selection, and evaluation in social studies and multicultural education. Methods of differentiating instruction and assessment to meet the individual needs of all students including ELL, highly proficient, and special needs students will be modeled and practiced. Middle school curriculum will be a primary focus including reading in the content area which is emphasized in the common core standards. Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to successfully plan and implement strategies taught in this course.



2.75 GPA; Consent of Education Advisor; 05-240 and 05-301.

05-366 - 05-370 Workshops in Education, Selected Topics

This series of workshops covers topics of interest and importance to both the teacher in training and the experienced teacher. The focus of these workshops is practical applications in the classroom. Offered: Every semester.


05-372 Integrating the Fine Arts in Education

This workshop introduces candidates to the educational, communicative and aesthetic value of dance, drama, music and the visual arts and the role the fine arts play in reflecting history and culture. Candidates actively participate in the development of a curriculum project that incorporates all of the fine arts and culminates in a performance, as well as learn strategies for promoting creative expression in the elementary and middle school classroom.