06 - English

06-102 The Sentence and Paragraph

This course provides instruction and practice in the basic skills of writing sentences and paragraphs using rhetorical principles, conventions of grammar, usage, and punctuation, and interactive computer-generated exercises.



Placement examination.

06-103 The Essay

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of the personal essay using a number of rhetorical strategies and modes, with attention to sentence variation, diction and stylistics.



Placement examination or 06-102.

06-111 College Writing 1

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of papers based on single sources, with special attention to summary and analysis. The development of a personal and credible voice is one of the main goals of the course. Documentation conventions, as well as search strategies and source evaluation, both print and electronic, are also addressed. The course uses both word processing and networked software to generate and evaluate writing.



Placement examination or 06-103.

06-112 College Writing 2

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of papers based on multiple sources, with special attention to synthesis, analysis, argument, and rhetorical techniques. Documentation styles and search strategies, both print and electronic, as well as the evaluation and assessment of outside sources are also addressed. The course uses both word processing and networked software to generate and evaluate student writing.




06-120 Workshop in Writing

This course focuses on practices in good writing according to students' needs. It is recommended for transfer students who desire a rapid review of composition skills. Pass/Fail.


06-125 Writers' Roundtable

In this writing-intensive course, students focus on the connection between writing and a specific discipline, mode of communication, or source of inspiration. Designed to engage students in the act of personal writing, this course advances the notion that the act of writing enhances the act of thinking through the discovery of subject and the development of theme. Topics vary by semester. See the University Course Schedule. May be repeated up to three times for credit. This course does not substitute for the advanced writing requirement in the student's major.




06-220 Topics in Literature

These special-topics courses are organized by author, period, or theme, with an emphasis on class discussion and reading for pleasure and understanding. Topics vary; see the University Course Schedule.




06-221 The Experience of Literature

This course provides an introduction to the study of poetry, drama, fiction and creative non-fiction, with an emphasis on structure and meaning. Selections used as models of the genres are chosen for high interest value and general accessibility.




06-225 Introducing Shakespeare

Students explore Shakespeare's life and works, especially as presented in performance and film. Prerequisite: 06-111.


06-226 The Bible as Literature

This course examines various works in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures from a literary point of view, focusing on selected narratives, histories, and poems, and on how the texts reflect the intentions and understanding of those who wrote or recorded them. More recent adaptations of biblical literature will also be studied.




06-227 Stories into Film

A study of adaptations from fiction to film is provided, with attention to the nature and structure of both genres. Prerequisite: 06-111.


06-230 Introduction to Fiction

Students examine the narrative methods, conventions, and themes of fiction.




06-232 Introduction to Drama

Students examine the narrative methods, conventions, and themes of dramatic literature.




06-234 Introduction to Poetry

Students examine the methods, conventions, and themes of poetry.




06-235 U.S. Literature Survey 1: Beginnings to 1865

This course provides a historical survey of significant works in American and U.S. literature from diverse pre-colonial and colonial writing, addressing Puritanism, Federalism, and Transcendentalism.




06-250 Introduction to English Studies

Students are introduced to the history of rhetorical and literary theories, and to the primary sources and critical vocabulary of literature and composition studies. This course serves as preparation to more advanced English courses, as well as an orientation to the major. Open to English majors and minors or those considering English Studies. This course does not satisfy the General Education requirement for literature.




06-270 Introduction to Film Studies

This course introduces students to the strategies and methods of film criticism and studies narrative components of film (film grammar), including (but not limited to) directors' strategies, shot properties, mise-en-scène, editing, acting, and the use of sound in films, especially classic Hollywood movies. The course also introduces the study of genres and styles of filmmaking. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.




06-300 Writing for the Professions

This course provides study of communication as a professional skill, with extensive practice in the forms of written business communication.




06-301 Rhetoric for Writers

The study and practice of classical and contemporary principles of rhetoric and the elements of persuasive writing are presented. Rhetoric for Writers is considered a gateway course into the Creative and Professional Writing program; it may be taken concurrently with other core requirements.




06-302 Writing in the Disciplines

This course is intended for students who need to write for specific audiences, usually in the context of a major or future employment.  It provides students with strategies useful in communicating with others in the student's discipline, as well as teaching students how to use less technical language to communicate discipline-specific concepts and practices to those outside the discipline.



06-112 and permission of Instructor.

06-306 Editing for Publishing

The study and practice of editing conventions used in the publishing industry are introduced.




06-307 The Electronic Word: Computers and Writing in Theory and Practice

Students explore and apply contemporary theories that analyze the profound relationship between modern technology and writing, including theories of hypertext, hypermedia and digital literature, and the production and reception of electronic texts.




06-308 Technical Writing

Students learn and practice the writing styles and forms appropriate for business, science, and technology.




06-309 Topics in Writing

This course covers the study and practice of a particular aspect of writing. Topics vary; see the University Course Schedule. May be repeated for credit.




06-310 Advanced Writing

Students learn, and extensively practice, expository and persuasive writing for a variety of purposes and audiences. This course satisfies the General Education requirement for advanced writing for English majors as well as for some other majors.




06-311 Introduction to Creative Writing

Students learn about and practice various kinds of creative writing, including poetry, short fiction, drama, and creative nonfiction. The emphasis is on practice.


06-312 Intermediate Workshop in Creative Writing

This course presents a study of poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction or drama and provides students with extensive practice. May be repeated for credit.



06-311 or permission of instructor.

06-314 Linguistics

This introduction to the study of language, including attention to the historical development of the English language, presents such topics as language description, language acquisition and learning, language processing, dialects, language families, and written versus oral forms of language.



06-250. Literature and Language majors must complete one semester of a foreign language or 54-202 or 70-200 prior to enrollment in 06-314.

06-315 Grammar for Teachers

This course provides English Education majors with review and practice to refine their own facility in grammar and to prepare them for integrating the teaching of grammar with other classroom pedagogies. While this is not a writing course per se, it emphasizes the contextual role of grammar within a student's writing projects and goals, and is ideally taken in conjunction with 06-314, 06-316, and/or 06-318. With permission, other English and Education majors may choose this course for elective credit.



06-112 and a placement/proficiency examination.

06-316 Teaching Writing

A study of the theoretical basis for understanding and teaching writing processes, this course provides extensive practice in designing, responding to and evaluating writing assignments. This course for English Secondary Education majors should be taken junior year and in conjunction with Writing Center Practicum (06-318).




06-318 Writing Center Practicum

This course allows students to apply pedagogical theory to student writing through tutoring under supervision in the Writing Center two hours per week in addition to a regular course meeting each week. Creative/Professional Writing and English Secondary Education majors are strongly encouraged to enroll in this course during their junior year. English Secondary Education majors should take this course in conjunction with 06-316.




06-331 Western World Literature Origins to 1700

Students explore major works of Western cultures in a world context, from their origins in the Ancient World through the Renaissance.




06-333 Western World Literature 1700-Present

This course covers major literary works of Western cultures in a world context, from the Enlightenment through the Contemporary period.




06-334 Non-Western Literature

A study of a variety of written works from Asia, Latin America, Island Nations, Africa, and the Middle East is presented.




06-339 Topics in World Authors

Students study representative World writers, although specific content varies. See the University Course Schedule. This course may focus on writers of a particular genre or a particular region, on comparative studies or on a limited perspective.




06-341 Advanced Study in Early U.S. Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era of American and U.S. literature from its beginnings to 1865.



06-235 and 06-250 or permission.

06-343 Advanced Study in 19th Century U.S. Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era of U.S. literature from the Civil War to World War I.



06-236 and 06-250 or permission.

06-345 Advanced Study in Modern and Postmodern U.S. Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era of U.S. literature from the 20th century to the present.



06-236 and 06-250 or permission.

06-346 Topics in Ethnic and Immigrant Literatures

In this study of the contributions of ethnic and immigrant writers to American literary culture, specific content varies. See the University Course Schedule.




06-347 Native American Literature

This course focuses on how texts written by Native Americans, from early tribal times to the present, contribute to American literary culture.




06-348 African American Literature

Students survey the contributions of African American authors to American literary culture.




06-349 Topics in American Authors

Students study representative American writers, although specific content varies. See the University Course Schedule. This course may focus on writers of a particular genre or on writers of a particular group, on comparative studies, or on a limited perspective.


06-351 Advanced Study in Early British Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era from the Medieval through the Restoration periods of English Literature.



06-237 and 06-250 or permission.

06-353 Advanced Study in 18th and 19th Century British Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era from the Neoclassical through the Victorian periods of English Literature.



06-238 and 06-250 or permission.

06-355 Advanced Study in Modern and Postmodern British Literature

This course provides in-depth study of a significant genre, ism, school, or era from the Modernist, Postmodernist, or Contemporary periods of English Literature.



06-238 and 250 or permission.

06-356 Post-Colonial Literatures in English

The study of literature by writers from the former British Commonwealth, this course focuses on writers who may originate from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some Caribbean countries, India, or Pakistan.




06-359 Topics in British Authors

Students study representative British authors, although specific content varies. See the University Course Schedule. This course may focus on writers of a particular genre, or on writers of a particular group, on comparative studies or on a limited perspective.




06-360 Shakespeare

A survey of the plays and poetry of William Shakespeare is presented. This course is intended for English majors and minors.



06-237 and 06-250.

06-361 Topics in Film and Literature

This course investigates major issues and concerns in comparative studies of literature and film. Topics will vary, but may include studies of authors/directors, adaptation, genres, historical movements, critical approaches, and themes. May be repeated as topics vary. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken concurrently with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-363 Postmodern American Fiction and Film

This course will survey fiction and film during the Postmodern era, since about 1960, and will help students develop skills in critical reading, analysis, evaluation, and writing about imaginative literature and film. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken simultaneously with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-370 Topics in Film Study

An investigation of major issues and concerns in film study; topics will vary, but may include studies of directors, genres, historical movements, critical approaches, and themes. May be repeated as topics vary. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken concurrently with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-371 Classic Hollywood Cinema

This course introduces students to the strategies and methods of film criticism and studies narrative components of film (film grammar), including, but not limited to: directors' strategies, shot properties, mise-en-scène, editing, acting, and the use of sound in films, especially classic Hollywood movies. The course also introduces the study of genres and styles of filmmaking. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken concurrently with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-372 The History of Film

This course surveys the history of film from its earliest beginnings in the 19th century to the present. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken concurrently with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-374 The Horror Film

This course introduces students to the development, techniques, and aesthetics of the horror film. Locating horror films within their social and cultural contexts, it focuses on the major works of discrete periods. Finally, the course analyses the artistry of the horror film by drawing on the principles and methods of literary and film criticism. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken simultaneously with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-375 Women in Film

This course introduces students to the strategies and methods of film criticism and studies narrative components of film (film grammar), including (but not limited to) camera angles, camera distance, composition and framing, mise-en-scène, editing, acting, and the use of sound in film. The course also introduces the study of genres and styles of filmmaking including the classical Hollywood paradigm, avant-garde filmmaking, and documentary filmmaking. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken simultaneously with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-376 World/Ethnic Film

This course explores the ways in which film exposes varied and complex ideas of national identity, and acquaints students with some of the major works, movements, and directors in international and ethnic American cinemas. Students will discuss the influences, aesthetics, and political motivations of key filmmakers. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-112. May be taken simultaneously with 06-270 Introduction to Film Studies.

06-380 The ePortfolio Seminar

An electronically designed and rhetorically selected presentation of the student's writing following department guidelines is submitted with the assistance of the advisor. A specific, original research project may be included. Oral presentation is required. English majors only. Pass/No Pass.



English Program core requirements.

06-400 Internship

This internship provides an opportunity for supervised work in non-academic settings. Junior or Senior standing required.



06-250 or Consent.

06-410 Seminar in Literature

This advanced study offers examination of a significant literary text, theme, or issue under the supervision of a seminar director. Seminars are limited to 12 students. This course may be cross-referenced with 06-510X and offered for graduate credit to graduate students in good standing. Graduate students will be required to complete additional and more extensive assignments than undergraduate students, consistent with the typical demands of graduate programs in English.




06-413 Advanced Workshop in Creative Writing

An advanced study and practice in one or more kinds of creative writing, this workshop covers poetry, short fiction, drama or creative non-fiction. Workshops vary. See the University Course Schedule. An advanced workshop in a specific genre or subgenre may be repeated for credit.



06-250 and 06-312 or permission.

06-415 Seminar in Writing

This advanced study of a single aspect of writing is undertaken under the supervision of a seminar director. Seminars are limited to 12 students. Topics vary; see the University Course Schedule. This course may be cross-referenced with 06-515X and offered for graduate credit to graduate students in good standing. Graduate students will be required to complete additional and more extensive assignments than undergraduate students, consistent with the typical demands of graduate programs in English.



06-250 and the permission of the seminar director.

06-420 Literary Theory and Criticism

A survey of literary critical traditions and major theoretical works in their historical context, this course engages students with the primary texts. Issues may include canon formation, reading practices, aesthetics, and the role of the author/artist in society. The course may be cross-referenced with 06-520X and offered for graduate credit to graduate students in good standing. Graduate students will be required to complete additional and more extensive assignments than undergraduate students, consistent with the typical demands of graduate programs in English.



300-level literature requirements.

06-425 Theories of Composing

This course explores the theories that attempt to describe what it is writers do, that is, the activity of writing. This is the capstone course for English majors enrolled in Program Three in Writing. This course may be cross-referenced with 06-525X and offered for graduate credit to graduate students in good standing. Graduate students will be required to complete additional and more extensive assignments than undergraduate students, consistent with the typical demands of graduate programs in English.



06-250 or consent of the writing program director.

06-430 Film Theory and Criticism

A capstone of the Film Minor, this seminar helps students develop an advanced understanding of film as a complex cultural medium through the discussion of key theoretical and critical approaches. Pursuing detailed study of major film theories and their relationship to critical practice, students will investigate the "classic" period of film theory, cinema's relationship to other art forms (particularly writing and photography), its relationship to popular culture, modernism, and postmodernism, and its relationship to both science and aesthetics. Students must attend scheduled screening sessions outside of weekly class hours.



06-270 Introduction to Film Studies and 9 completed hours of Film Studies courses or permission.

06-440 Seminar in U.S. Authors

This course provides in-depth study of a significant U.S. writer or related writers, and requires students to pursue some independent research and theoretical applications. Specific content varies.



300-level literature program requirements or permission.

06-450 Seminar in British Authors

This course provides in-depth study of a significant British writer or related writers, and requires students to pursue some independent research and theoretical applications. Specific content varies.



300-level literature program requirements or permission.

06-499 Independent Study

Students undertake intensive study in an area selected by the student in consultation with an English faculty member who will direct the project. Junior or Senior standing required.


