06-102 The Sentence and Paragraph

This course provides instruction and practice in the basic skills of writing sentences and paragraphs using rhetorical principles, conventions of grammar, usage, and punctuation, and interactive computer-generated exercises.



Placement examination.

06-103 The Essay

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of the personal essay using a number of rhetorical strategies and modes, with attention to sentence variation, diction and stylistics.



Placement examination or 06-102.

06-111 College Writing 1

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of papers based on single sources, with special attention to summary and analysis. The development of a personal and credible voice is one of the main goals of the course. Documentation conventions, as well as search strategies and source evaluation, both print and electronic, are also addressed. The course uses both word processing and networked software to generate and evaluate writing.



Placement examination or 06-103.

06-112 College Writing 2

This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of papers based on multiple sources, with special attention to synthesis, analysis, argument, and rhetorical techniques. Documentation styles and search strategies, both print and electronic, as well as the evaluation and assessment of outside sources are also addressed. The course uses both word processing and networked software to generate and evaluate student writing.




06-120 Workshop in Writing

This course focuses on practices in good writing according to students' needs. It is recommended for transfer students who desire a rapid review of composition skills. Pass/Fail.


06-125 Writers' Roundtable

In this writing-intensive course, students focus on the connection between writing and a specific discipline, mode of communication, or source of inspiration. Designed to engage students in the act of personal writing, this course advances the notion that the act of writing enhances the act of thinking through the discovery of subject and the development of theme. Topics vary by semester. See the University Course Schedule. May be repeated up to three times for credit. This course does not substitute for the advanced writing requirement in the student's major.


