20-206 Topics in Sociology

This course provides students with the opportunity to study historical and contemporary issues of interest to sociologists. Topics will vary.


20-220 Marriage and the Family

Marriage and the family are studied from a sociological point of view. Topics include the biological bases of the family, dating, mate selection, divorce and changes in marriage and the family.


20-260 Workshop in Sociology

Workshops appropriate to the intensive study of particular sociological concepts, structures, and phenomena are offered periodically. Topics will vary.


20-290 Cultural Diversity and Intergroup Relations

Students examine information on U.S. racial, ethnic and religious groups, including analysis of class, age and gender inequality. Topics include the history and minority experience of U.S. groups, current status and contributions of these groups, and strategies for reducing intolerance and improving intergroup relationships.



20-100, 26-100 or 18-200.