78-209 Social Welfare Policy

Introduction to social welfare systems from a macro perspective, including both historical and contemporary issues. Provides students with an analytic framework for identifying social welfare policies and the processes through which these policies are formulated and implemented.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-100 Introduction to Social Work; 04-200 Basic Macroeconomics or 04-195 American Economy; 18-200 American National Government or 18-210 State and Local Government.

78-215 Cultural Sensitivity in Social Work Practice

This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and work with populations experiencing oppression and discrimination. This course examines perspectives and information related to multiple dimensions, including race, disability, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation and provides entry-level skill development in applying cultural sensitivity to work with clients.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 20-290 Cultural Diversity and Intergroup Relations.

78-250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

This course provides students with a basic framework for identifying individual human development throughout the life cycle. Students learn the principles and terminology of empirically-based theories related to the life cycle, from conception to old age. Emphasis is placed on intervention strategies that attempt to resolve problems at each developmental stage.



Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 78-100 Introduction to Social Work; 02-108 Introduction to Human Biology.

78-251 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II

This course is a continuation of 78-250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I and is designed to provide a basic framework for identifying human behavior within the context of social systems. Students learn the principles of and terminology related to systems theory. Emphasis is placed on using systems theory as a means to identify how individuals function within larger systems, such as families, groups, organizations and communities.



Prerequisite: 78-250 HBSE I.Prerequisite or Concurrent enrollment: 10-112 Introduction to Human Communication.

78-295 Community Service Experience

This course allows students to experience and observe first-hand social work services delivered in communities. Learning objectives vary based upon the setting, and the experience is arranged with approval from the Department Chair.



78-100 Introduction to Social Work.