86-331 Tactical Leadership Development I

The focus of instruction in this course is on leadership competencies using small unit operations as the primary mode of instruction. Cadets assume leadership positions within the Rolling Thunder Battalion and actually apply the theory they have learned in the Basic Course by planning and executing small unit training. The semester begins with instruction in the Leadership Development Process (LDP) used throughout the academic year and at NALC to assess and develop leadership skills. Cadets focus on troop leading procedures, motivational theory, small unit training, operations orders and risk assessment. The course includes weekly leadership laboratories, one weekend field trip, and physical training.



Basic Course credit;



86-332 Tactical Leadership Development II

This course is a continuation of 86-33 - emphasizing doctrinal leadership and tactical operations at the small unit level. It includes opportunities to plan and conduct individual and collective skill training for offensive operations to gain leadership and tactical experience. This critical semester synthesizes the various components of training, leadership and team building taught over the last three years, and prepares cadets for their summer experience at NALC. The course includes weekly leadership laboratories, one weekend field trip, and physical training.






86-335 National Advanced Leadership Camp (NALC)

An Advanced Course requirement, NALC provides an opportunity to live and work with other cadets from around the country for 32 days at Fort Lewis, Washington. Approximately 3,500 cadets nationwide attend each year. NALC is a performance- based environment in which cadets can exercise their leadership skills in a variety of field and garrison activities, and cadre can assess leadership potential. Military pay is provided.

4 optional



86-336 Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)

In this advanced three-week practicum for leadership development in nursing, nurses train at one of several Army hospitals throughout the United States and Europe. The program is optional for Army ROTC Advanced Course Nursing students after completing 86-335 (NALC). Military pay, transportation and room and board are provided.

2 optional