16-200 Sports Appreciation

Students examine the game and coaching techniques, strategies and tactics of volleyball, soccer, and basketball. A review of each sport's officiating techniques is also covered. Attendance at athletic events and a critical evaluation of each sport are required.


16-201 Foundations of Coaching

This course examines the philosophies, ethics, roles and responsibilities involved in the professional preparation and development of an athletic coach.


16-202 Foundations of Sport and Fitness Management

An orientation course designed to examine the field of sport management. This course focuses on the activities of a club, recreational, corporate or competitive sport manager. It will introduce the student to the corporate and recreational fitness and wellness industry. The student will be required to research and/or shadow a professional in the field.




16-206 Sport and Fitness Management Field Experience 1: Job Shadowing Leader

This course is designed to serve as a tool to explore career options and develop realistic expectations in Sport and Fitness Management in either a profit or not-for-profit setting. Students will job shadow a leader (general manager, athletics director, owner, etc.) for a minimum of forty hours. Emphasis will be placed on the search process (identifying individual interests and matching them with appropriate organizations), the application process (telephone, written contact, and interviewing skills/strategies), the orientation process (establishing measurable outcomes and asking appropriate questions), and the job shadowing process (following and learning from a leader in the Sport and Fitness Management field). This will be a graded course.



Completion of twelve credit hours in Sport and Fitness Management courses.

16-207 Sport and Fitness Management Field Experience 2: Job Shadowing Practitioner

This course is designed to serve as a tool to explore career options and develop realistic expectations in Sport and Fitness Management in either a profit or not-for-profit setting. Students will job shadow a practitioner (personal trainer, equipment manager, marketing specialist, etc.) for a minimum of forty hours. Emphasis will be placed on the search process (identifying individual interests and matching them with appropriate organizations), the application process (telephone, written contact, and interviewing skills/strategies), the orientation process (establishing measurable outcomes and asking appropriate questions), and the job shadowing process (following and learning from a practitioner in the Sport and Fitness Management field). This will be a graded course.



Completion of twelve credit hours in Sport and Fitness Management courses.

16-210 Aerobics-Theory and Teaching

A study of the fundamentals and principles of aerobic exercise, this course prepares students to teach and lead an aerobics class. Students are engaged in activity throughout the course.


16-211 Weight Training

A study of the muscular structure of the human body and its development through weight training is presented. The course introduces types of lifting programs, selection and use of equipment, proper lifting techniques and proper safety techniques. This course has both a theoretical and a practical application.


16-212 General Conditioning

This course introduces the components of physical fitness and their relationship to nutrition and stress. Students study basic muscular structure, cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, flexibility training, specialty exercises and injury prevention. The relationship of fitness and weight management is discussed. This course has both a theoretical and a practical application.


16-217 Lifeguard Training

Red Cross Lifeguard training in hazards, distress, recognition, rescue, patron and employer relationships, and responsibilities is provided. Must be able to swim 50 yards.


16-218 Aquatic Operation and Management

This course covers the designing, constructing, planning, programming, operating and administering of aquatic facilities.


16-221 Swimming: Training and Coaching Theories

Students learn the fundamentals of competitive swimming, including stroke analysis, training regimes and swim meet management. This course improves students' stroke mechanics and prepares them to coach the sport. Students are engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-222 Track and Field: Training and Coaching Theories

This course provides a study of the fundamentals of track and field, including skill analysis, training regimes and track meet management. This course studies the strategy of the sport and provides students with an understanding of the rules. It prepares them to coach the sport. Students may be engaged in activity through the semester.


16-224 Baseball and Softball Theories

A study of the games of baseball and softball, including rules, skill fundamentals, skill analysis and training regimes. This course improves students' own skill mechanics and prepares them to coach a low level team. Students may be engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-225 Basketball Theories

This study of basketball fundamentals concentrating on the knowledge, interpretation, and application of the tactics and strategy of the game, as well as a thorough knowledge and application of the rules. It will improve one's own skill mechanics as well as prepare one to coach a low level team. The student may be engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-226 Soccer Theories

A study of soccer fundamentals concentrates on the knowledge, interpretation and application of the tactics and strategy of the game, as well as a thorough understanding and application of the rules. It improves students' skill mechanics and prepares them to coach a low level team. Students may be engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-227 Football Theories

This course provides a study of football fundamentals concentrating on the knowledge, interpretation and application of the tactics and strategy of the game, as well as a thorough understanding and application of the rules. Students review current training regimes and safety concerns of the sport. This course improves Students' skill mechanics and prepares them to coach a low level team. Students may be engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-228 Volleyball Theories

This study of volleyball fundamentals focuses on the knowledge, interpretation and application of the tactics and strategy of the game, as well as a thorough understanding and application of the rules. It improves students' skill mechanics and prepares them to coach a low level team. Students may be engaged in activity throughout the semester.


16-229 Golf Theories

This review of the golf fundamentals covers the theory and strategy of the game and thorough knowledge of the rules. Students are required to play 18 holes on a golf course. They need five golf clubs to practice driving and putting.


16-230 Tennis Theories

This course provides a review of tennis fundamentals, including the theory and strategy of the game and a thorough knowledge of the rules.


16-250 Introduction to Athletic Training

Students are introduced to the Allied Health profession of Athletic Training. Topics include the history of athletic training, injury prevention, mechanisms and classifications of sport injuries, emergency procedures and the healing process.



concurrent enrollment or completion of 16-196.

16-251 Athletic Taping Lab

Students learn the function of athletic taping, bracing, and wrapping. Taping/wrapping procedures are taught for the upper and lower extremities and the torso. This is primarily a lab class that requires hands-on participation and practice. Included is a requirement for athletic training room observation.



16-250 or concurrent enrollment.

16-256 Sport and Fitness Psychology

Students study the psychological aspects of athletics, that can enhance personal performance. The course explores how the psychological components impact the roles, ethics and responsibilities of athletics personnel, as well as healthy and injured athletes.


16-257 Physical Development and Health for Children

This class studies the growth and development of the elementary school child. It examines the role of the health and physical education programs in meeting the child's needs. The course is required for Elementary Education majors.


16-258 Sport and Fitness Leadership

This course is designed to increase student's knowledge of leadership principles, skills, and qualities; to develop a better understanding of strategies and skills required for sports and exercise program/organization development; and to apply this knowledge in order to provide quality experiences for program participants. Special emphasis will be placed on developing teamwork, enhancing group communications, and facilitating individual and organizational change and growth in a sport and exercise environment. This course will include practical applications of leadership.




16-260 History and Sociology of Sport and Fitness

This course provides a historical examination of the development of sports and their effects on society.


16-261 Women In Sports

A historical study of the philosophies and actions that have developed, influenced and controlled women's sports.


16-263 Physical Assessment of the Lower Extremities

Students learn about injuries and conditions pertaining to lower extremities, including the foot, ankle, lower leg, knee, hip and pelvis. Students explore a logical and thorough physical evaluation of the lower extremities using history, inspection, palpation and special tests.



16-196 and 16-250.

16-264 Physical Assessment of the Lower Extremities Lab

This lab class will require clinical time in the Lewis University Athletic Training Room as well as off-campus facilities, with an emphasis on lower extremity evaluations. Certified athletic trainers supervise students. This course provides hands-on experience. Students must provide their own transportation to the clinical site.



Admission to the Athletic Training Program, 16-263 or concurrent enrollment.

16-265 Physical Assessment of the Upper Extremities

This course offers a study of injuries and conditions pertaining to the upper extremities, including the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, chest, torso, head and neck. Students conduct logical and thorough evaluations of the upper extremity using history, inspection, palpation and special tests.



16-196 and 16-250.

16-266 Physical Assessment of the Upper Extremities Lab

This lab course with required clinical time in the Lewis University Training Room as well as off-campus facilities, with an emphasis on upper extremity evaluations. Certified athletic trainers and upper level student athletic trainers supervise students. This course provides first-hand experience for students. Students must provide their own transportation to the clinical site.



Admission to the Athletic Training Program, 16-265 or concurrent enrollment.

16-271 Nutrition and Exercise

This course focuses on the physiological use of nutrients by the body. It emphasizes the importance of good nutrition to enhance performance, promote long-term health and prevent injury and illness. This information is applied to such topics as nutritional supplementation, body composition and eating disorders.


16-275 Health Education

Personal and community health issues are studied, including the development of related healthy attitudes and habits that impact personal growth, development and learning.


16-280 Computer Applications in Sport and Fitness

This series allows students to apply microcomputer software to selected problems in sport management, recreation and activity settings.


16-281 Sport and Fitness Promotion and Sales

An overview of conceptualization and marketing of sporting events to participants, spectators, and sponsors.  Particular emphasis is placed on design and pricing of sponsorship packages so corporate needs are met.


16-290 Developing Physical Training Programs

This course covers the principles for developing safe and individualized cardiovascular conditioning, muscular strength and flexibility programs geared to the healthy individual/athlete. Included are leadership techniques for classes activity programs.



16-211 or 16-212.

16-298 Special Topics in Athletic Training

This is a seminar course addressing current topics specific to athletic training.


16-299 Special Topics

This course will be offered each semester as a seminar addressing current topics in sport and exercise science.
