19-300 Lasallian Community and Social Action

In addition to extensive service work through existing opportunities throughout the United States and Mexico in conjunction with Lasallian volunteers, students are challenged to consider a faith that does justice and upholds the dignity of every human person. Students explore the call to service in their own lives in conjunction with the path of De La Salle's response to his call. This course includes a required service component.



200-level Theology course.

19-301 Liturgy and Prayer

This course consists of three components: investigation of the Church liturgical year as a basis for communal prayer, the study of principles for communal prayer and prayer leadership, and practical experiences in which students will develop and lead prayer. Students will explore prayer forms and prayer styles in a variety of settings needed for effective pastoral leadership. In addition, students will study and create scriptural reflections which offer spiritual applications appropriate for communal prayer.



200-level Theology course.

19-302 Theology of Pastoral Ministry

This course is designed for all students seeking to minister within the church in any of the numerous ministries (lay and ordained) and educational capacities. The biblical, theological, historical, and spiritual foundations for ministry will be explored. In addition, the major Vatican II and U.S. Bishops' documents will be incorporated into the course as a framework for ministry and a context for contemporary Church tradition. There will be an emphasis upon integration of course readings into the reality of the twenty-first century church including challenges and limitations. Integration of ministerial theology and spirituality into the personal lives of the students will be sought.



200-level Theology course.

19-310 Christian Action and Values

This course focuses on the principles of Christian morality. It seeks to speak to the real lives of Christians today and present moral principles in an internally consistent way.


19-316 A History of Christian Thought

Students consider the intellectual history of Christian theology, examining people and their ideas, from the birth of Jesus to the modern era.



200-level Theology course.

19-384 Women and Religion

This course focuses on the lived, religious experience of women in the three major monotheistic religions of the world€"Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The course includes an exploration of fundamental questions about women as being shapers of and shaped by religious traditions.



200-level Theology course.

19-397 Theology Workshop

This course allows students to focus on particular dimensions of theological study. Some workshops are devoted solely to service-learning.



19-100 or 19-106 or permission of the instructor.

19-399 Tutorial

These courses are designed through the collaboration of a student and the Theology Department to address the needs of the student in his or her plan of study within the discipline.



Permission of the Chair.