57-150 Academic Reading I

Academic Reading I is designed to help the student view reading as a thinking process. This course will provide students with the tools to successfully meet the challenges of reading at the college level. In particular, this course will focus on reading expository text, vocabulary development, note taking and test taking.


57-151 Academic Reading II

Academic Reading II is designed to provide the student with opportunities for understanding the importance and value of reading strategies and study skills, as well as the essential influence effective reading has on successful learning. This course will build on the strategies taught in Academic Reading I. The particular focus of Academic Reading II will be on higher level thinking including strategies for critical reading and thinking including integrating knowledge with reading, inferring, understand the author's point of view, and recognizing and analyzing argument.


57-153 Academic Study Skills

Academic Study Skills emphasizes the development of better learning through improved study techniques, including time scheduling, exam preparation, test-taking, reading comprehension and concentration methods, learning style identification, and note-taking. In addition, the course focuses on reflective thinking as a major component of academic success, which includes identifying reasons for success and failure, exploring issues of motivation, developing clearly defined goals and objectives, and implementing a personalized realistic plan of action.