LW-415 Web Design Applications

This course teaches students how to design, create, maintain, and manage a web site. Students will use a number of tools and programming languages to build the site including: HTML, XML, JavaScript, FrontPage, and Dreamweaver.




LW-425 Advanced Project Management

This course focuses on three of the knowledge areas in project management: risk management, communication management and human resources and stakeholder management. This course considers how to deal with a variety of stakeholders and ways to consider optimizing stakeholder involvement. How and why various social roles are needed on projects. The formation and expectations of differing kinds of teams are covered in order to set up management expectations about results. The results of a project need to be integrated within existing environments.




LW-430 Data Networks

Students examine principles of telecommunications and networking as applied in a business environment; communication parameters, protocol, and hardware, including modems, multiplexors, common carriers and microwave and satellite systems; and design and implementation of distributed data processing and network systems.




LW-450 Enterprise Security

This course provides a broad overview of security in an enterprise. Students will learn about the threats to the security of information systems, what makes an organization's resources secure, basic technologies for information security, and the levels of training and expertise needed in organizations to reach and maintain a state of acceptable security. This course covers the technical and managerial aspects of securing your enterprise resources.




LW-453 Network Operating Systems and Technology

Hands-on introduction to different network operating systems that are commonly used in the industry; Windows NT server, Windows 2000 server, and NetWare; various components of the NOS; the design, installation, implementation, management, and administration of a NOS. Discuss the differences between these systems and how to select the appropriate one for your business.




LW-480 Systems Implementation

The main objective of this applied ITM capstone course is to teach students how to develop and implement a business information system and create the project e-portfolio. In this course, students will apply and integrate knowledge from previous ITM courses to create a fully functioning business information system. Students will complete their projects and e-portfolios by 1) creating logical and physical models from information gathered in the systems planning and analysis phases, 2) building the system components (Web application, database and network), 3) integrating, testing and documenting all system components developed, 4) creating comprehensive user training plans and materials, and 5) writing documentation for system operation and support.



LW-315, LW-330, LW-415, and LW-430. This capstone course should be complete as one of the student's final ITM courses.