01-100 Drawing

An introduction to the art of drawing, this course investigates the operations and procedures involved in the creation of expressive drawings, their design, their development and their execution.


01-101 Art Elements

This course is designed to introduce students to a visual language. Students learn about the tools and processes necessary for creative expression. A broad overview of this information provides students with a better understanding of the visual world of art. The material is presented in a historical context consisting of lectures, tests, papers and hands-on art production.


01-106 The Subject is Art

This course provides students with the opportunity to study various aspects of the world of art.


01-110 Painting

This course is a structured approach to the visual language of paintings through a study of composition, representation and the interaction of color. Major techniques, procedures and spatial devices are presented.


01-130 2-D Design Fundamentals

This class promotes student awareness that an art form is the result of the organization of a visual language: line, shape, value, space, pattern and texture in a significant arrangement. The course also includes a structured exploration of two-dimensional form.


01-133 3-D Design

A study of the design and construction of three-dimensional forms, this course heightens student awareness of three-dimensional space by offering a hands-on approach to project development. A significant portion of the course is devoted to learning how a design is developed.


01-140 Printmaking

A study of printmaking methods, materials, techniques and procedures for relief printing, intaglio, lithography and serigraphy, this class involves demonstrations and studio work.


01-150 Illustration

This class is a study of methods, materials, techniques and procedures used by contemporary illustrators. Studio work is included.


01-181 Digital Photography

Basic theory and procedures of photography are studied, including individual instruction in digital camera usage, basic computer editing, fundamental composition, equipment care and operation, output and presentation.