61-300 Business Communication in the Digital Age

Students explore extensive practical application of diverse forms of written and oral business communication with the aid of technology. Topics include writing effective memos, reports and e-mail messages; using multimedia Power Point slides in presentations; facilitating business meetings; creating résumés; using online blogs and wikis; and handling the challenges of international and cross-cultural communication. All College of Business Students are required to complete the ETS Major Field Test (MFT) as a requirement for graduation. The MFT is a component of this course.



06-112 and 90+ earned credits.

61-355 Service Management

This course covers managing a value-added service business; customer expectations of service and quality; use of the Internet and related technology to transform businesses; interplay among managerial, personnel and technology issues that will shape the future of business; identification of emerging forms of business models observable on the Web; and analysis of management practices using case studies. Entrepreneurship and franchising are also covered in this course.




61-360 Human Resource Management

Topics covered include personnel recruiting, selection, orientation, placement, training, and development; performance evaluation, wage and salary administration; employee benefits; and safety and health issues.




61-375 Organizational Behavior

Students explore human behavior in the organization and how it affects and is affected by management; organizational psychology; corporate culture; and individual, group and intergroup relationships.




61-380 Supervisory Management

This skill-building course stresses supervisory competencies: self assessment, time and stress management, creative problem solving, motivation and performance, conflict management, power and influence and team building. Emphasis is on in-class group exercises.




61-390 Management Seminar

This intensive weekend seminar focuses on a single topic or skill, with emphasis on student involvement and participation.



Junior/Senior status.

61-391 Introduction to Business Ethics

This is an introductory seminar in the area of business ethics clarifying the purpose of codes of conduct: be it ethical, moral or civil. This seminar will address the challenges facing organizations and businesses to educate employees on the proper behaviors in the workplace. Through the use of films, group discussions and presentations, this seminar will prove to be an exciting learning experience in a very practical and important dimension of business.