86-221 Leadership and Problem Solving

This course builds on the fundamentals introduced in the first year curriculum. Using practical exercise, cadets apply communications and leadership skills to solve increasingly complex problems. The course concludes with a major leadership and problem solving case study that draws on virtually all of the classroom instruction received in the first three semesters of the Basic Course. The course also includes one weekend field trip, weekly leadership laboratories and physical training. Upon completion of this semester, cadets should be well grounded in the fundamental principals of leadership and be prepared to intensify the practical application of their studies during the Advanced Course.




86-222 Small Unit Leadership and Tactics

This is the Basic Course capstone that focuses principally on officership and provides an extensive examination of the unique purpose, roles and obligations of commissioned officers. It includes a detailed look at the origin of our institutional values and their practical application in decision making and leadership. Students are introduced to fundamentals and principles of small unit tactics. Upon completion of this semester, cadets should possess a fundamental understanding of both leadership and officership, demonstrate the ability to apply this understanding in real world situations and be excited about the aspect of shouldering the responsibility of a commissioned officer in the United States Army. One weekend field trip, weekly leadership laboratories and physical training are included.




86-225 Leader's Training Course (LTC)

An alternative to the Basic Course above, LTC offers students who have not considered ROTC until late in their second year the opportunity for a scholarship and entry into the Advanced Course. The sole purpose for attending LTC is to qualify for the Advanced Course. Students are contracted prior to attending and, therefore, must be American citizens to attend. LTC is a 28-day summer training course conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky, designed to teach the fundamentals of soldiering and leadership and to enhance personal confidence using practical, hands-on exercises including land navigation, rifle marksmanship, first aid, individual and unit tactics, obstacle courses and rappelling. Military pay is provided.

4 optional